How to use our website

A few notes on how our system works:

Existing members do not have to create a new profile. Reset your password to login.


New users, you must create a profile as a first step. When creating your profile, you will be prompted to select if you want to become a MBGFC member, register as a day member or if you are a member of an affiliated Club.


Applying for MBGFC membership:

- you will need the full names or membership numbers of the members who are nominating and seconding you.

- you need to select and pay for the membership type you want from within your profile.

- for family membership, each family member will require a separate login before you can add them to your family membership. You can do this from within your profile.

Within your profile you can:

- update your contact details

- update your MBGFC membership

- buy day membership(s)
- add your boat details (see instructions below)
- see your catch history
- enter tournaments and see your team details

Boat details:

Only one family member/owner/skipper/team captain should load any one boats' details on the system. 


Entering tournaments:
- Our tournaments require entrants to be members of MBGFC or a member of an affiliated Club.

- You will need to select and pay for your membership with MBGFC before you can enter a tournament. This includes paying for day membership if you are a day member.

When entering a tournament, you can:

- Load your boat details (if you have not already done so under your profile)

- Load your team name

- Select the boat skipper (not automatically an angler)

- Select your team captain (automatically an angler)

- Note that the person who is creating the team (paying for the first team member) will also be assumed to be an angler.

If the Captain and the Paid By person is the same, you will not be charged twice for the same angler.

- Add and pay for team anglers who are already MBGFC members or affiliated members who have a profile created

- Invite team members who will pay for themselves. These can be either MBGFC members, or not. If they are not MBGFC members or even have a profile yet, they can do this from their invitation.

- If your team is already created, you will also be able to select to join your team and pay for yourself.